FPNL Membership
An exciting time with fundamental changes in the profession is awaiting us and you will become an integral part of the management and communication of these changes to the profession and the public with your membership.
Membership Application/Renewal
I hereby apply for/renew my membership of the Forum for Professional Nurse Leaders, and in doing so give consent that my personal information be retained on the membership database of the Forum for Professional Nurse Leaders. Membership is open to Nursing Managers, Professional and General Nurses from the public and private sector and academia.
Note that membership will only be processed once proof of payment was received. Payments should reflect name, surname and region. Membership renewal requires FPNL membership number.
FPNL Bank Details
Bank: First National Bank
Account Name: The Forum for Professional Nurse Leaders
Branch: Main Street Johannesburg
Branch Number: 251705 /Electronic transfers 250655
Account Number: 50600162669
Account Type: Current (Cheque) SWIFT CODE: FIRNZAJJ